About our E-Newsletter

The AWC’s regular newsletter is produced three times per year shortly after each board meeting.

It provides a quick update for our board members, as well as other interested stakeholders. A special edition that highlights the work of the Water for Life partnerships is produced early in the calendar year. Building on the work of the Alberta Water Council’s Moving from Words to Actions report, the partnerships’ newsletter helps to create more awareness of the partnerships and the good work being done in water management around the province. If you would like to receive our e-newsletter, please sign up using the button below.

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Comment and suggestions are encouraged; please contact [email protected]. We are looking forward to hearing from you!


Issue 36 - June 2024

  • Council welcomes a new president.
  • Source Water Protection Team progresses work on web platform, drought committee convenes to share updates, and the Water for Life Action Plan Team wrapping up final tasks.
  •  Drought triggers and sustains overnight fires in North America

Issue 35 - February 2024

  • Alberta is in a drought--how the AWC is supporting ongoing efforts.
  • Final report on drought simulation findings publicly released; Source Water Protection Team engages a consultant; New drought committee kicks off.
  • Concerns over current drought and Alberta’s groundwater.

Annual Water for Life Partnership Newsletter - January 2024

  • Government of Alberta (GoA), Environment and Protected Areas
  • Land Stewardship Centre of Canada
  • Lakeland Industry & Community Association
  • Athabasca Watershed Council
  • Bow River Basin Council
  • Oldman Watershed Council 

Issue 34 - October 2023

  • Director feature, Reg Warkentin, Cropping Sector
  • Update on project team work
  • A focus on water can lessen climate change burn

Issue 33 - June 2023

  • Director feature, Lesley Peterson, Fisheries Sector
  • Update on project teams, working groups, and committees
  • University of Alberta research project to examine algae issues in the St. Mary River Irrigation District

Issue 32 - June 2022

  • Director feature, Steve Meadows, NGO 
  • Update on project teams, working groups, and committees
  • AWC’s first hybrid board meeting

Issue 31 - February 2022

  • Director feature, Vicki Lightbown, GoA and PA
  • Update on project teams, working groups, and committees
  • Six steps recommended to improve water quality

Annual Water for Life Partnership Newsletter - January 2022

  • Government of Alberta
  • Bow River Basin Council
  • Lesser Slave Watershed Council
  • Battle River Watershed Alliance
  • North Saskatchewan Watershed Alliance
  • Land Stewardship Centre of Canada
  • Athabasca Watershed Council
  • Red Deer River Watershed Alliance
  • Lakeland Industry & Community Association

Issue 30 - December 2021

  • Director Feature, Greg Mofatt, Industry
  • Update on project teams, working groups, and committees
  • View real-time COVID-19 data

Issue 29 - July 2021

  • Director Profile Che-Wei Chung, Small Urban Sector
  • Update on project teams, working groups, and committees
  • Water scarcity impacts examined in Southern Alberta

Issue 28 - February 2021

  • Director Profile Morris Nesdole, NGO Sector
  • Update on project teams, working groups, and committees
  • Coronavirus Is Improving Water Quality — For Now, At Least

Annual Water for Life Partnership Newsletter - January 2021

  • Government of Alberta
  • Lakeland Industry and Community Association
  • Athabasca Watershed Council
  • South East Alberta Watershed Alliance
  • Oldman Watershed Council
  • Sturgeon River Watershed Alliance and the North Saskatchewan Watershed Alliance

Issue 27 - December 2020

  • Update on project teams, committees, and working groups
  • Farewell Kim Sanderson

Issue 26 - June 2020

Issue 25 - March 2020

  • Director Profile Margo Jarvis Redelback, Industry
  • Update on project teams, committees, and working groups
  • Alberta Water Council Staff Work Remotely

Annual Water for Life Partnership Newsletter - February 2020

  • Little Green Thumbs in the Lesser Slave
  • Inspiring Action to Keep Our Lake Blue
  • When Science Embraces Art
  • SEAWA has restored 9 km of Riparian Areas
  • Understanding Water Quality at Alberta Beaches
  • NSWA Watershed Level Riparian Assessment
  • Working Well Program continues to work well!

Issue 24 - December 2019

  • Director Profile Roxane Bretzlaff, Watershed Planning and Advisory Councils
  • Update on AWC project teams
  • Celebrating the AWC’s 15 Year Anniversary!

Issue 23 - September 2019

  • Director Profile Jason Unger, Alberta Law Centre
  • Update on AWC project teams
  • AWC Launches a New Working Group and Upcoming Events

Issue 22 - March 2019 

  • Director Profile Brett Purdy, Alberta Innovates
  • Update on three AWC project teams
  • Alberta Energy Efficiency Summit 2019

Annual Water For Life Partnership Newsletter - March 2019

  •  A New Riparian Assessment Tool for the North Saskatchewan Watershed
  • SEAWA a Leader in Greening Local Stream Banks and Lake Shores
  • The Brab-Divating Story of Illegal Species Transport
  • Monitoring the Tributaries of Lesser Slave Lake
  • Finding Common Ground
  • After The Flood
  • Celebrating 10+ Years of Watershed Stewardship
  • Building Trust, Provide Support, Support a Watershed

Issue 21 - November 2018

  • Director Profile Rob Hoffman, Chemical and Petrochemical Sector
  • Update on two AWC project teams
  • Approval to launch the Water for Life Implementation Review
  • AWC Recognition Dinner
  • The Agri-Environmental Partnership of Alberta Water Working Group

Issue 20 - July 2018

  • AWC board gets down to business planning
  • Update on two AWC project teams
  • 2017 Annual Report Released 
  • Next AWC Board Meeting

 Issue 19 - May 2018

  • Director Profile Mark Brostrom, Large Urban Sector
  • AWC board approves two new projects on multi-year drought resiliency and source water protection 
  • Update on AWC and CASA amalgamation
  • AWC releases videos on various water topics

Annual Water for Life Partnerships Newsletter - February 2018

  • Message from Honourable Shannon Phillips, Minister of Environment and Parks
  • Friends of Fish Creek Seeking Partnerships to Improve Riparian Project Success
  • Stewards of Lac La Biche Watershed Society
  • Moving Beyond Mussels — the sky’s the limit for the Aquatic Invasive Species Program!
  • Elbow River Watershed Partnership
  • Castle-Crown Wilderness Coalition
  • Beavers in Healthy Watersheds

Issue 18 - November 2017

  • New executive director takes over operations for the AWC and CASA
  • AWC releases reports on lake watershed management and water conservation, efficiency and productivity
  • AWC board approves new work in two areas
  • Update on AWC and CASA amalgamation

Issue 17 - June 2017

  • Director profile Tracy Scott, Ducks Unlimited Canada
  • Two more reports approved: Lake Watershed Management Project and Evaluating Water Conservation, Efficiency and Productivity Project
  • Update on changes at the AWC office

Annual Water for Life Partnerships Newsletter - February 2017

Special thanks to the contributors of our sixth issue: Government of Alberta, Highway Two Conservation, Medicine Hat Interpretive Program staff, the Oldman Watershed Council, South East Alberta Watershed Alliance and the Battle River Watershed Alliance. In this issue:

  • Message from Honourable Shannon Phillips, Minister of Environment and Parks
  • Highway Two Conservation
  • We know water is wet, but what else can you tell us?
  • Medicine Hat Riparian Study
  • Riparian Restoration in Alberta Protects Drinking Waters and Threatened Fish
  • How well is your well working? Alberta’s Working Well program celebrates nine years of raising awareness
  • A Growing South East Alberta Watershed Alliance
  • Protecting Camrose’s Drinking Water at the Source
  • Ponoka Country Landowners Help Improve River Health
  • Responding to Increased Fish Disease and Aquatic Invasive Species Threats in Alberta Waters

Issue 16 - November 2016

  • Director profile Jamie Wuite, Alberta Agriculture and Forestry
  • Water for Life review report approved
  • Evaluating water conservation, efficiency and productivity team shares findings
  • AWC releases two reports: improving aquatic invasive species management and water literacy in Alberta

Issue 15 - May 2016

  • Director profile Jim Hackett, Power Generation Sector
  • Water Literacy Project Team wraps up
  • New CEP Project Team gets the ball rolling
  • AWC releases its 2015 Annual Report

Annual Water for Life Partnerships Newsletter - February 2016

Special thanks to the contributors of our fifth issue: Government of Alberta, Battle River Watershed Alliance, Oldman Watershed Council, Milk River Watershed Council and North Saskatchewan Watershed Alliance. In this issue:

  • Message from Honourable Shannon Phillips, Minister of Environment and Parks
  • Powerful Partnerships
  • Alberta Phosphorus Watershed Program
  • Watershed Planning and Advisory Council Education and Outreach Coordinators get X-Stream
  • Oldman Watershed Council Student Interns in the Headwaters
  • Integrated Watershed Management Planning in the Milk River
  • Vermilion River Watershed Restoration and Enhancement Project

Issue 14 - November 2015

  • Director profile Ron McMullin, Irrigation Sector
  • Aquatic Invasive Species Project Team wraps up
  • Major water-using sectors present CEP reports

Issue 13 - April 2015

  • Director profile Al Kemmere, Rural sector
  • Lake Management Project Team kicks off
  • Proposed legislation to protect Alberta’s waterways

Annual Water for Life Partnerships Newsletter - February 2015

  • Message from Honourable Kyle Fawcett, Minister of Environment and Sustainable Resource Development
  • Our Water, Our Future: A Conversation with Albertans
  • Love the Lake by Alexandra Fredrickson, Land Stewardship Centre of Canada
  • Linear Features in the Oldman Watershed- Necessity and Risk by Connie Simmons, Oldman Watershed Council
  • The Oldman Goes to Hollywood!
  • The Riparian Area That was Almost Loved to Death by Friend of Fish Creek Provincial Park Society

 Issue 12 - January 2015

  • AWC celebrates its tenth anniversary
  • New project investigating lake management
  • Water Reuse Symposium wrap-up 

Issue 11 - April 2014

  • Council welcomes a new President
  • New project team to look at water literacy
  • Registration opens for Symposium on Water Reuse
  • The Council’s project team updates (November 2013 - March 2014)

Annual Water for Life Partnerships Newsletter - January 2014

  • About the Water for Life Partnerships
  • Changing Perspectives About Beavers - Anne and Sandy Cross Conservation Area
  • Planning for Stewardship - Moose Lake Watershed Society
  • A Dedication to Bob Phillips - South East Alberta Watershed Alliance
  • Athabasca Watershed Council Update
  • Minister of Environment and Sustainable Resource Development
  • 2013 Flooding: Albertans Come Together in the Spirit of Community - ESRD
  • The Alberta Wetland Policy - One Step Closer to Implementation - ESRD
  • Water Conversation Update - ESRD

Issue 10 - November 2013

  • A Director Profile of Jason Unger – Environmental Sector
  • Riparian Team wraps up its work
  • Symposium on Water Reuse website is up and running
  • The Council’s project team updates (July 2013 - October 2013)

Issue 9 - June 2013

  • The Council’s project team updates (April 2013 - June 2013)
  • New project team to look at Aquatic Invasive Species

Issue 8 - April 2013

  • The Council’s project team updates (November 2012 - April 2013)
  • NPS Team Completes its Final Report
  • Water CEP Team wraps up its work

Annual Water for Life Partnerships Newsletter - January 2013

  • About the Water for Life Partnerships
  • The Sylvan Lake Management Committee asks Fishermen to "Take it Off" for Stewardship
  • North Saskatchewan Watershed Alliance Releases Milestone Documents
  • Beaver River Watershed Alliance: State of the Watershed Report
  • Red Deer River Watershed Alliance Ramps up Education and Stewardship Outreach
  • ESRD Releases First of Three New Watershed Management Guidance Documents

Issue 7 - November 2012

  • A Director Profile of Keith Murray – Forestry Sector
  • The Council’s project team updates (July 2012 - October 2012)
  • Water for Life Implementation Review Committee Completes Their Work

Issue 6 - July 2012

  • Seven major water-using sectors complete CEP plans
  • The Council’s project team updates (March 2012 - June 2012)

Issue 5 - April 2012 

  • A Director Profile of David Hill - Science and Research Sector
  • The Council’s project team updates (October 2011 - March 2012)

Annual Water for Life Partnerships Newsletter - February 2012 

  • About the Water for Life Partnerships
  • Wetlands, Trees and Forests Day - Iron Creek Watershed Improvement Society
  • Clear Water Landcare
  • Collaborative Watershed Governance - South East Alberta Watershed Alliance
  • The Red Deer River Watershed Alliance Watershed Ambassador Program
  • Alberta Environment and Water Releases Water for Life Progress Report
  • Message from Alberta Environment and Water Minister Diana McQueen

Issue 4 - November 2011

  • A Director Profile of Rob Pritchard - Large Urban Sector
  • The Council’s project team updates (July 2011 - October 2011)

Issue 3 - June 2011

  • A Director Profile of Jay White - Lake Environment Conservation Sector
  • The Council’s project team updates (April 2011 - June 2011)
  • Water for Life Implementation Review kicks off

Issue 2 – April 2011

  • A Director Profile of Al Kennedy – Chemical and Petrochemical Sector
  • The Council’s project team updates
  • Bringing a project forward – the Ins and Outs of Statements of Opportunity

Issue 1 – January 2011

  • The Splash presents Gord Edwards, Executive Director for the Alberta Water Council
  • The Council’s project team updates
  • Crop Sector Working Group joins the Council