Source Water Protection

Approved in March 2018 by the AWC board, this project team documented existing Source Water Protection (SWP) approaches and provide guidance for protecting public, private, and individual drinking water sources in Alberta. It focused on the quality of surface and groundwater supplies, while recognizing that quality and quantity are related. This project aims to advance outcomes of Water for Life and Our Water, Our Future: A Plan for Action. The team synthesized SWP practices, processes and risks to drinking water sources in Alberta, examined SWP approaches and risk management models in selected jurisdictions, and developed a guide and companion report.

Source water is untreated, raw water from surface or groundwater sources used for drinking water or other uses. SWP is a risk management process designed to maintain or improve the conditions of water through proactive, collaborative identification, validation, assessment, and management of risk.

The Guide to Protecting Sources of Drinking Water in Alberta, as well as the companion report, are available below under "Documents." This work was approved by the AWC board in February 2020.

For more information, please contact Anuja Hoddinott at [email protected] 

Source Water Protection in Alberta

Guide to Source Water Protection Planning in Alberta: How to Video